Why BOM is required?


What’s the use of the BOM list? Why it is necessary?

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Alina 5 years 1 Answer 281 views 0

Answer ( 1 )

  1. First, you should know what is a BOM.
    A bill of material or BOM is a list of all manufactured and raw materials needed to build an assembly of more than one manufactured part. It serves as the core of any manufacturing process because it lays out all the information required to assemble a part. Not only does a BOM outline of what manufactured and raw materials are needed to build a part, but it also includes the equipment and tools needed to build the parts.

    Why is BOM Important?
    Because of its importance, you need to make sure you have an accurate BOM so that the manufacturing process isn’t hindered because of inaccurate information. The BOM impacts the purchase of raw material, available inventory and the process of assembly on the shop floor. The accuracy in information helps in making better decisions about manufacturing the product efficiently and cost-effectively, aka getting more bang for your buck. Who doesn’t love that?

    An incorrect BOM can lead to a massive headache, wasted money and loss of revenue, for you and everyone on your team. If the value of parts or quantities is entered incorrectly, it could affect the efficiency of the team or the individual responsible for the product. For example, the production team might run out of inventory required to build the product, resulting in a big loss for the company.

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